Wawazen Waterwall Blog

Why it is good to use a reverse osmosis with automated waterwalls


This is the transcription of my voice in this video:

In this video I will explain and show you why you should use a reverse osmosis when running an automated water wall system because reverse osmosis is one of the best tools to remove lime from the house tap water. And as you maybe know lime is one of the biggest problems you can face when creating water features because it not only it makes your water feature ugly, it can also damage surfaces, it can cause water damages and it's the number one reason why pumps get killed. Because if a pump has to deal with lime, after a short period of time it simply won't continue pumping. And manufacturers generally do not accept lime damages within the guarantee. So if you have a new water feature and you don't take care of calcification, it might happen that after three or four months your pump is dead and you will have to buy a new one because you have no warranty on the pump because the damage is caused by lime and calcification.

So it's very...

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Designer & Waterwall Developer Robert Shows Ring Waterfall Fountain


Markus: Hello, my name is Markus. I'm the founder of Wawazen and I'm pleased to welcome Robert Fechtmann from Florida here who is a business partner of Wawazen and who has invented and created a really unique water feature which we will take a look at in a few minutes. But maybe first Robert, would you please tell us who are you and what are you doing?

Robert: Okay. Hi everyone. My name is Robert. I'm a product designer. I went to school for product design and I just always saw water walls are really cool. So I wanted to make my own but I wanted to do it a bit differently than having just a square wall. So I kind of came up with a new way to disperse the water with a sheet. So I have this kind of uniquely shaped water wall and Markus is helping me with building a business around it.

Markus: Wow, you know what Robert, I think everybody who's just started watching this video. He just sees two guys and he sees you like a designer you know what you're talking about. The people don't...

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Humidification and dehumidification – it can do both. It’s not magic, it’s physics.

In most cases, people install water walls because of their humidifying effects. Dry air causes problems with concentration, and can also be damaging to health when one is exposed to it on a daily basis. Human mucous membranes suffer in dry air and people get red eyes, dry nose, bad skin, and heavy feeling in the chest. They just feel unwell and therefore become irritated—sometimes not even knowing why. It is also a proven fact that the flu virus multiplies faster in dry air. Last but not the least – wooden furniture, floors and other wooden elements may suffer irreparable damages when placed in droughty places. Most plants cannot survive long if the surrounding air is dry.

Most modern buildings have insufficient air circulation. In most modern buildings, the extensive air conditioning makes the air dry, and it’s a challenge to make it humid again. One solution is to get a humidification machine, but they are pretty ugly and they have their limits...

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Why are SPA & Wellness using indoor water falls?

Why does water have a positive effect on space…?

Why do we feel immediately comfortable near running water…?

What effect does it have on our mind…?


It is stored in our genes that water lets us survive, that water is a “friend”. Human life is impossible without water, and many times in history, man would strive to get access to water. Today, we don’t have that problem, as it is running in our taps, but our soul still remembers… If you don’t believe in soul, you can think of the reptilian brain, which is a part of human brain, which can sense danger or escape far quicker than intellect. That is why we feel automatically well near water. And if you feel good you can relax deeper and connect better with your inner self.

There are also purely material reasons. Running water cleanses and moisturizes the air, creating a healthy indoor climate. That can be especially important during the cold season, because...

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How to successfully use a waterwall and solve problems

Fascinating optical effect

First of all, one perceives a water wall with the eyes. The human eye is evolutionary programmed so that it automatically focuses on moving objects. What’s more, our reptilian brain tells us that water is safe, that water is a friend—that it is good to be near water.

These reasons allow a water wall to attract attention naturally. It works like a magnet for customers and ensures that more customers come to the store and remain longer. This automatically leads to the fact that more revenue can be generated for the business.

Luxury design

For the most part, large water walls are not only fascinating but also give such an impressive touch that highly successful companies love to place them in the entrance area to create an atmosphere of luxury, exclusiveness and high-quality. Some architects, who work with the most creative and unusual objects, like to incorporate a water wall as a design element.

What is worth mentioning...

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7 most common problems when building your own water feature for the first time


If you have decided to build a water wall (especially when you are a professional and need to build one for your client), pat yourself on the back for taking the smart decision. There are numerous advantages of this water feature, which we talk about quite often and it’s a great idea for both your clients interior design and for your business. Learn from 15 years of our experience and see what kind of problems you can encounter so you can be aware of the issues that you might have to deal with.


Problem # 1. It’s expensive!

You can waste a lot of time and energy finding good and reliable components. In the process of learning by trial and error, you can make a lot of mistakes, which can add up to high expenses. Unless you are a Sheikh of Dubai, it’s better to avoid the problem of getting broke by joining Wawazen Waterwall School and learning all you need to know.

Effect: If you are making water wall for your client, this means that you might not earn enough...

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